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James Joyce (Джеймс Джойс)

Chamber Music. 12. What Counsel Has the Hooded Moon

What counsel has the hooded moon
    Put in thy heart, my shyly sweet,
Of Love in ancient plenilune,
    Glory and stars beneath his feet—
A sage that is but kith and kin
With the comedian Capuchin?

Believe me rather that am wise
    In disregard of the divine,
A glory kindles in those eyes
    Trembles to starlight. Mine, O Mine!
No more be tears in moon or mist
For thee, sweet sentimentalist.

James Joyce's other poems:
  1. Chamber Music. 27. Though I Thy Mithridates Were
  2. Tutto
  3. Watching the Needleboats at San Sabba
  4. Chamber Music. 13. Go Seek Her Out All Courteously
  5. Chamber Music. 20. In the Dark Pine-Wood

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