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Alfred Edward Housman (Альфред Эдвард Хаусман (Хаусмен))

Last Poems. 27. The Sigh That Heaves the Grasses

The sigh that heaves the grasses
        Whence thou wilt never rise
Is of the air that passes
        And knows not if it sighs.

The diamond tears adorning
        Thy low mound on the lea,
Those are the tears of morning,
        That weeps, but not for thee.

Alfred Edward Housman's other poems:
  1. More Poems. 3. For these of Old the Trader
  2. More Poems. 11. The Rainy Pleiads Wester
  3. More Poems. 39. My Dreams Are of a Field Afar
  4. More Poems. 15. Tarry, Delight; so Seldom Met
  5. Last Poems. 22. The Sloe Was Lost in Flower

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