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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Генри Уодсворт Лонгфелло)


Lull me to sleep, ye winds, whose fitful sound
  Seems from some faint Aeolian harp-string caught;
  Seal up the hundred wakeful eyes of thought
  As Hermes with his lyre in sleep profound
The hundred wakeful eyes of Argus bound;
  For I am weary, and am overwrought
  With too much toil, with too much care distraught,
  And with the iron crown of anguish crowned.
Lay thy soft hand upon my brow and cheek,
  O peaceful Sleep! until from pain released
  I breathe again uninterrupted breath!
Ah, with what subtle meaning did the Greek
  Call thee the lesser mystery at the feast
  Whereof the greater mystery is death!

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's other poems:
  1. To the River Yvette
  2. To the River Rhone
  3. The Four Princesses at Wilna
  4. Bishop Sigurd at Salten-Fiord
  5. King Trisanku

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Abraham Cowley (Абрахам Каули) Sleep ("In vain, thou drowsy God! I thee invoke")
  • Isaac Rosenberg (Айзек Розенберг) Sleep ("Godhead's lip hangs")
  • Edward Young (Эдуард Юнг) Sleep ("Tired Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep")
  • James Johnson (Джеймс Джонсон) Sleep ("O Sleep, thou kindest minister to man")
  • John Tabb (Джон Табб) Sleep ("When he is a little chap")

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