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Henry King, Bishop of Chichester (1592-1669)

The Rating of Henry King, Bishop of Chichester's Poems

  1. My Midnight Meditation
  2. Paradox. That It Is Best For A Young Maid To Marry An Old Man
  3. Sic Vita
  4. A Contemplation upon Flowers
  5. A Penitential Hymne
  6. A Salutation Of His Majesties Ship The Soveraign
  7. Epigram (To what serve Lawes, where only Money reignes?)
  8. To His Shaddow
  9. To One That Demaunded Why The Wine Sparkles
  10. Epigram (I would not in my love top soone prevaile)
  11. Epigram (He whose advent’rous keele ploughes the rough Seas)
  12. Being Waked Out Of My Sleep By A Snuff Of Candle Which Offended Me, I Thus Thought:
  13. A Renunciation
  14. Silence
  15. Exequy On His Wife
  16. The Surrender
  17. The Dirge
  18. The Farewell
  19. The Change
  20. The Legacy
  21. Loves Harvest
  22. Sonnet. VVere thy heart soft as thou art faire
  23. To His Unconstant Friend
  24. Upon a Braid of Hair in a Heart sent by Mrs. E. H.
  25. An Elegy Upon The Most Victorious King Of Sweden Gustavus Adolphus
  26. By Occasion Of The Young Prince His Happy Birth
  27. Sonnet. I Prethee Turn That Face Away
  28. On the Earl of Essex
  29. To a Lady Who Sent me a Copy of Verses at my Going to Bed
  30. On Two Children Dying Of One Disease, And Buried In One Grave
  31. An Elegy Upon The Death Of Mr. Edward Holt
  32. The Labyrinth
  33. The Pink
  34. Tell Me No More How Fair She Is
  35. Psalm I
  36. Upon A Table-Book Presented To A Lady
  37. An Acknowledgment
  38. The Short Wooing
  39. The Acquittance
  40. The Vow-Breaker
  41. Another Of The Same, Paraphrased For An Antheme
  42. The Retreat
  43. The Forfeiture
  44. Sonnet. Dry those fair, those chrystal eyes
  45. To My Dead Friend Ben Johnson
  46. To the Queen at Oxford
  47. Sonnet. Tell me you stars that our affections move
  48. Madam Gabrina, Or The Ill-Favourd Choice
  49. To His Friends of Christ-Church upon the Mislike of the Marriage of the Arts Acted at Woodstock
  50. To My Sister Anne King, Who Chid Me In Verse For Being Angry
  51. Sonnet. Go thou that vainly do'st mine eyes invite
  52. The Boyes Answer To The Blackmoor

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