Henry King, Bishop of Chichester (1592-1669)
The Rating of Henry King, Bishop of Chichester's Poems - My Midnight Meditation
- Paradox. That It Is Best For A Young Maid To Marry An Old Man
- Sic Vita
- A Contemplation upon Flowers
- A Penitential Hymne
- A Salutation Of His Majesties Ship The Soveraign
- Epigram (To what serve Lawes, where only Money reignes?)
- To His Shaddow
- To One That Demaunded Why The Wine Sparkles
- Epigram (I would not in my love top soone prevaile)
- Epigram (He whose advent’rous keele ploughes the rough Seas)
- Being Waked Out Of My Sleep By A Snuff Of Candle Which Offended Me, I Thus Thought:
- A Renunciation
- Silence
- Exequy On His Wife
- The Surrender
- The Dirge
- The Farewell
- The Change
- The Legacy
- Loves Harvest
- Sonnet. VVere thy heart soft as thou art faire
- To His Unconstant Friend
- Upon a Braid of Hair in a Heart sent by Mrs. E. H.
- An Elegy Upon The Most Victorious King Of Sweden Gustavus Adolphus
- By Occasion Of The Young Prince His Happy Birth
- Sonnet. I Prethee Turn That Face Away
- On the Earl of Essex
- To a Lady Who Sent me a Copy of Verses at my Going to Bed
- On Two Children Dying Of One Disease, And Buried In One Grave
- An Elegy Upon The Death Of Mr. Edward Holt
- The Labyrinth
- The Pink
- Tell Me No More How Fair She Is
- Psalm I
- Upon A Table-Book Presented To A Lady
- An Acknowledgment
- The Short Wooing
- The Acquittance
- The Vow-Breaker
- Another Of The Same, Paraphrased For An Antheme
- The Retreat
- The Forfeiture
- Sonnet. Dry those fair, those chrystal eyes
- To My Dead Friend Ben Johnson
- To the Queen at Oxford
- Sonnet. Tell me you stars that our affections move
- Madam Gabrina, Or The Ill-Favourd Choice
- To His Friends of Christ-Church upon the Mislike of the Marriage of the Arts Acted at Woodstock
- To My Sister Anne King, Who Chid Me In Verse For Being Angry
- Sonnet. Go thou that vainly do'st mine eyes invite
- The Boyes Answer To The Blackmoor
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