Lucretia Maria Davidson (1808-1825)

The Rating of Lucretia Maria Davidson's Poems - On the Death of an Infant
- Song of Twilight
- Byron
- Feats of Death
- A Dream
- America
- On Reading a Fragment Called The Flower of the Forest
- Death
- A Song (Tell me not of joys departed)
- The Yellow Fever
- The Last Flower of the Garden
- The Star of Liberty
- Headache
- A Song (Wha is it that caemeth sae blithe and sae swift)
- Woman’s Love
- Pleasure
- On the Crew of a Vessel, Who Were Found Dead at Sea
- My Last Farewell to My Harp
- On the Death of Queen Caroline
- The Parting of Decourcy and Wilhelmine
- Ode to Fancy
- An Acrostic
- Modesty
- The Tempest God
- The White Maid of the Rock
- David and Jonathan
- To a Star
- Alonzo and Imanel
- An Address to My Muse
- The Army of Israel at the Foot of Mount Sinai
- A View of Death
- Zante
- The Good Shepard
- The Blush
- Love, Joy, and Pleasure
- To Mamma
- On the Birth of a Sister
- On an Æolian Harp
- The Wee Flower of the Heather
- Lines, Written under the Promise of Reward
- The Mermaid
- To a Departing Friend
- Kindar Burial Service, Versified
- To a Friend, Whom I Had Not Seen Since My Childhood
- The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
- Lines Addressed to a Cousin
- On the Death of the Beautiful Mrs.--
- On Seeing a Picture of the Virgin Mary, Painted Several Centuries Since
- Stilling the Waves
- The Grave
- Morning Melody
- The Sick-Bed
- Shakespeare
- Cupid’s Bower
- To Science
- Farewell to Miss E. B.
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