Abraham Cowley (1618-1667)

The Rating of Abraham Cowley's Poems - The Motto
- The Spring
- Beauty
- Life
- The Given Heart
- The Wish
- Platonick Love
- The Parting
- Epitaph
- Cousel
- A Supplication
- The Swallow
- Inconstancy
- The Chronicle
- Against Hope
- The Welcome
- Sport
- The Usurpation
- On the Death of Mr. Crashaw
- Hymn to Light
- The Thraldom
- The Change
- The Despair
- The Given Love
- The Request
- Resolved to Be Loved
- The Epicure
- Bathing in the River
- An Answer to a Copy of Verses Sent Me to Jersey
- Thisbe's Song
- Drinking
- To the Lord Falkland
- Written in Juice of Lemon
- Reason, the Use of It in Divine Matters
- On the Death of Sir Henry Wootton
- Of Wit
- Sleep
- Not Fair
- Against Fruition
- Constantia's Song
- Cheer Up, My Mates
- The Grasshopper
- The Heart Breaking
- The Thief
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