Carolyn Wells (1862-1942)

The Rating of Carolyn Wells's Poems - A Very Polite Man Named Hawarden
- The Erratic Rat
- A Day Dream
- Opulent Ollie
- The Rivals
- The Smiling Shark
- An Old Love
- Our Club
- A Marvel
- Styx River Anthology
- The Roll of Roly Poly Roy
- Bobby's Pocket
- The Butter Betty Bought
- The Lay of the Lady Lorraine
- An April Joke
- A Valuable Gift
- A Penitential Week
- A Tragic Tale of Tea
- A Great Lady
- The Funny Kittens
- Young America
- The Spelling Lesson
- The Arch Armadillo
- How the Cat Was Belled
- The New Cup
- A Serious Question
- A Photographic Failure
- The 4.04 Train
- An Alphabet Zoo
- The Intelligent Hen
- The Two Friends
- My Barometer
- Dorothy's Opinion
- The Happy Hyena
- Found Wanting
- A Bicycle Built for Two
- The Musical Carp
- An Intercepted Valentine
- Christmas Gifts
- The Poster-Girl after Dante Gabriel Rossetti
- Puzzled
- The Grandiloquent Goat
- A Dream Lesson
- The Two Bears
- A Modern Invention
All Poems
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