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Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909)
Àëäæåðíîí ×àðëüç Ñóèíá¸ðí (Algernon Charles Swinburne)

The Rating of Algernon Charles Swinburne's Poems

  1. Hermaphroditus
  2. John Ford
  3. Four Songs of Four Seasons
  4. The Garden of Prosperine
  5. Itylus
  6. The Triumph of Time
  7. A Christmas Carol
  8. A Ballad of Dreamland
  9. Chorus
  10. Hope and Fear
  11. Love and Sleep
  12. A Leave-Taking
  13. Wasted Love
  14. Rococo
  15. A Baby's Death
  16. Anactoria
  17. A Match
  18. A Forsaken Garden
  19. Hertha
  20. Sestina
  21. At Sea
  22. Cor Cordium
  23. A Ballad of Death
  24. To William Bell Scott
  25. In Harbour
  26. Birth and Death
  27. Before the Mirror
  28. First Footsteps
  29. Before Dawn
  30. Not a Child
  31. The Salt of the Earth
  32. The Oblation
  33. A Baby's Feet
  34. Tenebrae
  35. The Leper
  36. To Victor Hugo
  37. A Cameo
  38. Death and Birth
  39. An Appeal
  40. Dead Love
  41. Nephelidia
  42. Love Lies Bleeding
  43. To a Cat
  44. A Jacobite's Exile
  45. Change
  46. August
  47. Siena
  48. The Litany of Nations
  49. Mater Dolorosa
  50. A Channel Crossing
  51. Before Parting
  52. A Ballad of Burdens
  53. The Sea-Swallows
  54. After Death
  55. On the Russian Persecution of the Jews
  56. Cleopatra
  57. Faustine
  58. Origami
  59. The Way of the Wind
  60. In the Bay
  61. The Sundew
  62. Super Flumina Babylonis
  63. A Ninth Birthday
  64. Envoi
  65. Genesis
  66. Dickens
  67. In San Lorenzo
  68. Ave Atque Vale
  69. The Pilgrims
  70. The Bloody Sun
  71. Sonnet for a Picture
  72. The Complaint of Lisa
  73. Messidor
  74. To Walt Whitman in America
  75. Mourning
  76. To Catullus
  77. On the Downs
  78. Time and Life
  79. Plus Ultra
  80. Choriambics
  81. A Swimmer's Dream
  82. The Roundel
  83. Madona Mia
  84. Before Sunset
  85. In Memory of Walter Savage Landor
  86. Laus Veneris
  87. Hendecasyllabics
  88. A Ballad of Life

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