Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979)

The Rating of Elizabeth Bishop's Poems - Cape Breton
- Insomnia
- One Art
- Sestina
- A Miracle for Breakfast
- First Death in Nova Scotia
- The Fish
- Sleeping on the Ceiling
- Sonnet (I am in need of music that would flow)
- Letter to N.Y.
- Song for the Rainy Season
- Conversation
- In the Waiting Room
- Casabianca
- The Armadillo
- Poem
- Sandpiper
- Manners
- Songs for a Colored Singer
- The Imaginary Iceberg
- Roosters
- The Man-Moth
- The Shampoo
- Visits to St. Elizabeths
- Squatter’s Children
- Florida
- The Moose
- The End of March
- O Breath
- A Prodigal
- Filling Station
- Love Lies Sleeping
- Anaphora
- Giant Toad
- Little Exercise
- Questions of Travel
- The Bight
- Cirque D’Hiver
- North Haven
- The Burglar of Babylon
- Lullaby for the Cat
- At the Fishhouses
- Lines Written in the Fannie Farmer Cookbook
- Exchanging Hats
- The Monument
- Strayed Crab
- View of the Capitol from the Library of Congress
- Arrival at Santos
- While Someone Telephones
- The Map
- The Unbeliever
- Argument
- Giant Snail
- Invitation to Miss Marianne Moore
- Seascape
- Chemin De Fer
- Large Bad Picture
- Manuelzinho
- The Weed
- Rain Towards Morning
- To Be Written on the Mirror in Whitewash
- Five Flights Up
- Sonnet (Caught - the bubble)
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