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Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)
Эндрю Марвелл (Andrew Marvell)

The Rating of Andrew Marvell's Poems

  1. The Definition of Love
  2. To His Coy Mistress
  3. The Garden
  4. Upon Appleton House, to My Lord Fairfax
  5. Eyes and Tears
  6. A Dialogue Between The Soul And Body
  7. Young Love
  8. An Epitaph
  9. Clorinda And Damon
  10. A Poem Upon The Death Of O.C.
  11. First Anniversary
  12. Cromwell's Return
  13. Tom May's Death
  14. The Unfortunate Lover
  15. Music's Empire
  16. Last Instructions to a Painter
  17. The Fair Singer
  18. On Mr. Milton's Paradise Lost
  19. A Dialogue, Between The Resolved Soul, And Created Pleasure
  20. Upon the Hill and Grove at Bill-borow
  21. Bermudas
  22. The Character of Holland
  23. On a Drop of Dew
  24. Ametas and Thestylis Making Hay-Ropes
  25. A Dialogue Between Thyrsis And Dorinda
  26. Blake's Victory
  27. The Match
  28. Damon the Mower
  29. Fleckno, An English Priest At Rome
  30. A Garden, Written after the Civil Wars
  31. An Horatian Ode Upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland
  32. Johannis Trottii Epitaphium
  33. The Mower's Song
  34. Daphnis and Chloe
  35. The Coronet
  36. Mourning
  37. The Gallery
  38. To Christina, Queen Of Sweden

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