Edward Thomas (1878-1917)

The Rating of Edward Thomas's Poems - The Owl
- After Rain
- March
- April
- Rain
- Like the Touch of Rain
- Adlestrop
- A Cat
- Words
- Aspens
- Beauty
- No One So Much As You
- Celandine
- Old Man
- The Glory
- October
- Snow
- A Gentleman
- After You Speak
- Liberty
- Sowing
- The Bridge
- When First I Came Here
- Ambition
- A Private
- Tall Nettles
- Lights Out
- Interval
- The Brook
- The Word
- As the Team's Head-Brass
- Lob
- Unknown
- And You, Helen
- Man and Dog
- Fifty Faggots
- Good-Night
- The Unknown Bird
- The Gypsy
- If I Should Ever by Chance
- The Sorrow of True Love
- The Path
- Birds' Nests
- Over the Hills
- Early One Morning
- Roads
- I Never Saw that Land Before
- The Lofty Sky
- The Lane
- But These Things Also
- I Built Myself a House of Glass
- Two Pewits
- In Memoriam (Easter, 1915)
- The Combe
- House and Man
- The Long Small Room
- Cock-Crow
- Gone, Gone Again
- Haymaking
- For These
- The Ash Grove
- The New House
- Thaw
- The Huxter
- The Cuckoo
- This Is No Case of Petty Right or Wrong
- The Sign-Post
- How at Once
- The Child on the Cliffs
- The Cherry Trees
- It Was upon
- Tears
- The Other
- The Sun Used to Shine
- The Green Roads
- What Shall I Give?
- Melancholy
- The Trumpet
- The Mill-Pond
- Head and Bottle
- Will You Come?
- Swedes
- The Clouds That Are So Light
- The Manor Farm
- If I Were to Own
- When We Two Walked
- Some Eyes Condemn
- Bright Clouds
- It Rains
- Women He Liked
- May 23
- When He Should Laugh
- November
- “Home”
- There's Nothing like the Sun
- The Gallows
- An Old Song
- The Sheiling
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