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Edward Thomas (1878-1917)
Ýäâàðä Òîìàñ (Edward Thomas)

The Rating of Edward Thomas's Poems

  1. The Owl
  2. After Rain
  3. March
  4. April
  5. Rain
  6. Like the Touch of Rain
  7. Adlestrop
  8. A Cat
  9. Words
  10. Aspens
  11. Beauty
  12. No One So Much As You
  13. Celandine
  14. Old Man
  15. The Glory
  16. October
  17. Snow
  18. A Gentleman
  19. After You Speak
  20. Liberty
  21. Sowing
  22. The Bridge
  23. When First I Came Here
  24. Ambition
  25. A Private
  26. Tall Nettles
  27. Lights Out
  28. Interval
  29. The Brook
  30. The Word
  31. As the Team's Head-Brass
  32. Lob
  33. Unknown
  34. And You, Helen
  35. Man and Dog
  36. Fifty Faggots
  37. Good-Night
  38. The Unknown Bird
  39. The Gypsy
  40. If I Should Ever by Chance
  41. The Sorrow of True Love
  42. The Path
  43. Birds' Nests
  44. Over the Hills
  45. Early One Morning
  46. Roads
  47. I Never Saw that Land Before
  48. The Lofty Sky
  49. The Lane
  50. But These Things Also
  51. I Built Myself a House of Glass
  52. Two Pewits
  53. In Memoriam (Easter, 1915)
  54. The Combe
  55. House and Man
  56. The Long Small Room
  57. Cock-Crow
  58. Gone, Gone Again
  59. Haymaking
  60. For These
  61. The Ash Grove
  62. The New House
  63. Thaw
  64. The Huxter
  65. The Cuckoo
  66. This Is No Case of Petty Right or Wrong
  67. The Sign-Post
  68. How at Once
  69. The Child on the Cliffs
  70. The Cherry Trees
  71. It Was upon
  72. Tears
  73. The Other
  74. The Sun Used to Shine
  75. The Green Roads
  76. What Shall I Give?
  77. Melancholy
  78. The Trumpet
  79. The Mill-Pond
  80. Head and Bottle
  81. Will You Come?
  82. Swedes
  83. The Clouds That Are So Light
  84. The Manor Farm
  85. If I Were to Own
  86. When We Two Walked
  87. Some Eyes Condemn
  88. Bright Clouds
  89. It Rains
  90. Women He Liked
  91. May 23
  92. When He Should Laugh
  93. November
  94. “Home”
  95. There's Nothing like the Sun
  96. The Gallows
  97. An Old Song
  98. The Sheiling

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