Robert Sidney (1563-1626)
The Rating of Robert Sidney's Poems - Sonnet 4. These purest flames, kindled by beauties rare
- Sonnet 19. When other creatures all, each in their kind
- Sonnet 1. You purest stars, whose never-dying fires
- Sonnet 3. Beauties born of heavens, my soul’s delight
- Sonnet 5. Of travails past oft when i thinking am
- Sonnet 9. Oft had I passed the joys and griefs of love
- Sonnet 2. The pains which I uncessantly sustain
- Sonnet 17. The endless alchemist, with blinded will
- Sonnet 7. The hardly captain, unused to retire
- Sonnet 22. On unknown shore, with weather hard distressed
- Sonnet 11. Though the most perfect style cannot attain
- Sonnet 10. She whom I serve to write did not despise
- Sonnet 6. When rest locks up the treasures of delight
- Sonnet 15. You that haue power to kil, haue will to saue
- Sonnet 8. If that her worth I could as well forget
- Sonnet 12. Who gives himself, may ill his words deny
- Sonnet 21. Alas why say you I am ritch?
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