Christina Georgina Rossetti (1830-1894)

The Rating of Christina Georgina Rossetti's Poems - When I Am Dead, My Dearest
- Remember
- Clouds
- Let Me Go
- Boats Sail on the Rivers
- A Diamond or a Coal?
- Christmas Eve
- What Does the Bee Do?
- What Do the Stars Do
- Fly Away, Fly Away Over the Sea
- Goblin Market
- Dancing on the Hill-Tops
- Spring
- Christmas Day
- There Is One That Has a Head without an Eye
- When Fishes Set Umbrellas up
- A Toadstool Comes up in a Night
- If a Pig Wore a Wig
- Winter Rain
- A Sailor, Come Ashore
- The Summer Nights Are Short
- A Chilly Night
- A Christmas Carol
- Who Has Seen the Wind?
- A Dream
- An October Garden
- Blind From My Birth
- The Poor Ghost
- Dream-Land
- How Many Seconds in a Minute?
- I Loved You First: But Afterwards Your Love
- Who Shall Deliver Me?
- Last Night
- A Daughter of Eve
- Three Seasons
- My Friend
- Echo
- A Birthday
- A Baby's Cradle with No Baby in It
- Sound Sleep
- Amen
- Ferry Me Across the Water
- The World
- Vanity of Vanities
- A Royal Princess
- Cousin Kate
- To My Mother
- The Rose with Such a Bonny Blush
- What Will You Give Me for My Pound?
- Mirage
- January Cold Desolate
- Your Brother Has a Falcon
- A Year’s Windfalls
- Memory
- The Skylark
- The Lily Has a Smooth Stalk
- A Hope Carol
- Sweet Death
- From Sunset to Star Rise
- No, Thank You John
- I Have a Poll Parrot
- After Death
- Eve
- A Ballad of Boding
- Twilight Night
- Introspective
- A Testimony
- Maiden May
- Sleeping at Last
- Baby Lies So Fast Asleep
- The One Certainty
- The Convent Threshold
- Three Little Children
- Color
- Winter: My Secret
- Uphill
- Twice
- Lady Maggie
- Once for All
- A Pause
- Herself a Rose Who Bore the Rose
- A Better Ressurection
- Fluttered Wings
- Come unto Me
- Under the Ivy Bush
- There's Snow on the Fields
- Old and New Year Ditties
- What Does the Donkey Bray About?
- I Caught a Little Ladybird
- Rosy Maiden Winifred
- Repining
- I Am a King
- Dead Hope
- Brownie, Brownie, Let Down Your Milk
- Brown and Furry
- Hear What the Mournful Linnets Say
- A Summer Wish
- Song
- The Lambs of Grasmere, 1860
- At Home
- Noble Sisters
- My Dream
- Love from the North
- A Dirge
- Confluents
- An End
- In the Round Tower at Jhansi, June 8, 1857
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