Edmund Clarence Stedman (1833-1908)

The Rating of Edmund Clarence Stedman's Poems - Witchcraft
- Byron
- Alice of Monmouth
- Ad Vigilem
- Provençal Lovers
- The World Well Lost
- The Old Picture-Dealer
- Country Sleighing
- Huntington House
- The Lord's-Day Gale
- Gettysburg
- Invocation
- The Discoverer
- Corda Concordia
- Bohemia
- Pan in Wall Street
- Si Jeunesse Savait!
- How Old Brown Took Harper's Ferry
- The Doorstep
- Helen Keller
- Cousin Lucrece
- Sumter
- The Diamond Wedding
- The Monument of Greeley
- On White Carnations Given Me for My Birthday
- On a Great Man Whose Mind Is Clouding
- Abraham Lincoln
- Kearny at Seven Pines
- Ariel
- The Ballad of Lager Bier
- Meridian
- Mater Coronata
- Dartmouth Ode
- “Ubi Sunt Qui Ante Nos?”
- Peter Stuyvesant's New Year's Call
- Israel Freyer's Bid for Gold
- The Old Love and the New
- The Heart of New England
- Falstaff's Song
- Ad Vatem
- To Bayard Taylor
- Wanted—A Man
- Fuit Ilium
- Custer
- The Death of Bryant
- Treason's Last Device
- “Ergo Iris”
- Gifford
- Yale Ode for Commencement Day
- George Arnold
- The Duke’s Exequy
- Mors Benefica
- Round the Old Board
- The Old Admiral
- Horace Greeley
- Hawthorne
- W. W.
- J. G. H.
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