Louise Imogen Guiney (1861-1920)

The Rating of Louise Imogen Guiney's Poems - To a Child
- Fog
- To Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
- Nocturne
- Rooks in New College Gardens
- A Porch in Belgravia
- In a Perpendicular Church
- W. H. 1778-1830
- Of Joan’s Youth
- Spring Nightfall
- Open, Time
- Saint Peter-ad-Vincula
- Changes in the Temple
- Romans in Dorset
- To a Dog’s Memory
- Columba and the Stork
- The Tow-Path
- On Leaving Winchester
- On First Entering Westminster Abbey
- A Ballad of Kenelm
- Two Irish Peasant Songs
- The Chantry
- Pax Paganica
- Tryste Noel
- Ad Antiquarium
- On the Same (continued)
- April in Govilon
- On the Cenotaph of the Prince Imperial in Saint George’s Chapel
- A Memory of a Breconshire Valley
- A Last Word on Shelley
- The Graham Tartan to a Graham
- Athassel Abbey
- A Footnote to a Famous Lyric
- Undertones at Magdalen
- Writ in My Lord Clarendon’s “History of the Rebellion”
- Emily Brontë
- Doves
- A Last View
- Sunday Chimes in the City
- In the Docks
- A Madonna of Domenico Ghirlandajo
- A December Walk
- In the Reading-Room of the British Museum
- The Yew-Tree
- A Song of the Lilac
- A Seventeenth-Century Song
- On the Pre-Reformation Churches about Oxford
- In a London Street
- The Lights of London
- Martyrs’ Memorial
- In a Ruin, after a Thunder-Storm
- The Cherry Bough
- A Salutation
- The Old Dial of Corpus
- For Izaak Walton
- Valediction: R. L. S., 1894
- Strikers in Hyde Park
- York Stairs
- Peter Rugg the Bostonian
- A Talisman
- Port Meadow
- Shropshire Landscape
- When on the Marge of Evening
- A Friend’s Song for Simoisius
- Friendship Broken
- Florentin
- Vergniaud in the Tumbril
- Winter Boughs
- The Vigil-at-Arms
- Heathenesse
- The Knight Errant (Donatello’s Saint George)
- Summum Bonum
- T. W. P. 1819-1892
- Sherman: “An Horatian Ode”
- Saint Florent-le-Vieil
- The Japanese Anemone
- Hylas
- The Still of the Year
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