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Anne Hunter (1742-1821)

The Rating of Anne Hunter's Poems

  1. Winter
  2. The Dirge of Amoret
  3. A Mermaid’s Song
  4. To the Nightingale
  5. May Day
  6. The Farewell
  7. The Song of the Wandering Lady
  8. Time
  9. Elegy
  10. La Douce Chimere
  11. Carisbrook Castle
  12. Elegy to the Memory of William Seward, Esq.
  13. Ode to the Old Year 1787
  14. The Death Song
  15. Song 12. Where the green ivy twining
  16. Song 4. THE moments fly, and we must part
  17. To the Memory of a Lovely Infant, Written Seven Years after His Death
  18. Lelia, or, The Maniac's Song
  19. Song 8. TO wander alone when the moon faintly beaming
  20. Epitaph for My Father
  21. To James Barry, Esq.
  22. To My Son, Age 15, at Cambridge
  23. Fairy Revels
  24. Song 6. IN airy dreams fond fancy flies
  25. Song 16. MY mother bids me bind my hair
  26. To the Memory of Thomas Chatterton
  27. William and Nancy
  28. Song 5. FAR, far from me my love is fled
  29. The Genius of the Mountains of Balagata
  30. To My Son, Age 26, a Captain of Infantry in Portugal, 1798
  31. The Lamentation of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots
  32. A Ballad of the Eighteenth Century
  33. Laura
  34. A Vow to Fortune
  35. Song 11. THE anguish of my bursting heart
  36. Laura to Petrarch
  37. November, 1784
  38. Song 10. O Tuneful voice, I still deplore
  39. Song 2. FAR from this throbbing bosom haste
  40. Addressed to Mrs. G.
  41. Song 13. SPRING returns, the flowrets blow
  42. To a Friend on New Year’s Day

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