Jean Ingelow (1820-1897)

The Rating of Jean Ingelow's Poems - A Winter Song
- Persephone
- The High Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire
- A Sea Song
- The Four Bridges
- Noonday
- A Dead Year
- An Ancient Chess Set
- Reflections
- The Mariner's Cave
- A Vine-Arbour in the Far West
- A Cottage in a Chine
- Fancy
- Compensation
- Loss And Waste
- Song of the Old Love
- The Star's Monument
- One Morning, Oh! So Early
- Speranza
- The Dreams That Came True
- The Lover Pleads
- Regret
- A Wedding Song
- Nature, for Nature's Sake
- The Arrow-Slit
- Like a Laverock in the Lift
- A Mother Showing the Portrait of Her Child
- The Long White Seam
- On a Picture
- Sea-Mews in Winter Time
- Echo and the Ferry
- Midsummer Night, Not Dark, Not Light
- Looking Down
- Afterthought
- Wendover
- Strife and Peace
- The Shepard Lady
- Thick Orchards
- If I Forget Thee, O Jerusalem
- Requiescat In Pace!
- Seven Times One
- Kismet
- The Beginning
- Sweet Are His Ways Who Rules Above
- The Maid-Martyr
- Winstanley
- Perdita
- A Parson's Letter to a Young Poet
- Sand Martins
- The Monitions of the Unseen
- Dora
- Grand Is The Leisure Of The Earth
- Divided
- The Measureless Gulfs Of Air Are Full Of Thee
- Scholar and Carpenter
- Lovers at the Lake Side
- A Song in Three Parts
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