William Dunbar (1460?-1520?)
The Rating of William Dunbar's Poems - Beauty and the Prisoner
- In Honour of the City of London
- Lament for the Makers
- Done Is a Battle
- To a Lady
- The Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins
- On the Nativity of Christ
- The Tretis of the Twa Mariit Women and the Wedo
- Of People Hard to Please
- To the Lord Treasurer [Welcome, my awin lord thesaurair]
- The Ballad of Kynd Kittock
- None May Assure in This World
- To the King [Of benefice, sir, at everie feist]
- A Meditation in Winter
- To the King [That I suld be ane Yowllis yald]
- On the Resurrection of Christ [Surrexit Dominus de sepulchro]
- Sir Thomas Norny
- The Antichrist
- To the King [In hansill of this guid New Yeir]
- Love's Inconstancy
- Best to Be Blithe
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