John Dryden (1631-1700)

The Rating of John Dryden's Poems - Alexander's Feast; or, the Power of Music
- An Epigram-Epitaph for His Wife
- Dreams
- Absalom and Achitophel
- Farewell Ungrateful Traitor
- One Happy Moment
- An Epilogue
- On the Death of a Very Young Gentleman
- Ah, How Sweet It Is to Love!
- Hidden Flame
- The Medal
- Happy the Man
- A Song for St. Cecilia's Day
- Can Life Be a Blessing
- Life a Cheat
- The Wife of Bath Her Tale
- Mankind
- The Fair Stranger. A Song
- Satire on the Dutch
- Marriage A-La-Mode
- An Ode, On the Death of Mr. Henry Purcell
- Calm Was The Even, And Clear Was The Sky
- Veni, Creator Spiritus
- A Song to a Fair Young Lady Going out of Town in the Spring
- To the Memory of Mr. Oldham
- O Souls, In Whom No Heavenly Fire
- Tarquin and Tullia
- To Mr. Granville, on his excellent Tragedy, called Heroick Love
- Upon the Death of the Viscount of Dundee
- Upon the Death of Lord Hastings
- Epitaph on the Lady Whitmore
- The Beautiful Lady of the May
- Song from Amphitryon
- Song from an Evening's Love
- On the Monument of the Marquis of Winchester
- Suum Cuique
- A Prologue
- A Letter to Sir George Etherege
- Troilus and Cressida
- Roundelay
- To John Hoddesdon, on his Divine Epigrams
- The Tears of Amynta for the Death of Damon
- On Mrs. Margaret Paston, of Barningham, in Norfolk
- To the Lady Castlemaine, upon Her incouraging his first Play
- Epitaph on a Nephew in Catworth Church, Huntingdonshire
- You Charm'd Me Not With That Fair Face
- Epilogue to Henry II
- Hymn For St. John's Eve, 29th June
- Te Deum
- Epitaph on Sir Palmes Fairborne's Tomb in Westminster Abbey
- Upon Young Mr. Rogers, of Gloucestershire
- A Song (High State and Honours to others impart)
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