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John Donne (1572-1631)
John Donne

The Rating of John Donne's Poems

  1. The Flea
  2. A Valediction Forbidding Mourning
  3. The Good-Morrow
  4. The Ecstacy
  5. The Sun Rising
  6. Love's Alchemy
  7. Song: Go and catch a falling star
  8. The Canonization
  9. A Fever
  10. The Dream
  11. The Triple Fool
  12. The Calm
  13. Love's Growth
  14. Air and Angels
  15. The Perfume
  16. A Valediction of Weeping
  17. Woman's Constancy
  18. A Lecture Upon the Shadow
  19. Song (Sweetest love, I do not go)
  20. The Anniversary
  21. The Undertaking
  22. A Nocturnal Upon St. Lucy's Day, Being The Shortest Day
  23. The Funeral
  24. Farewell to Love
  25. The Apparation
  26. His Picture
  27. Twickenham Garden
  28. Love's War
  29. The Relic
  30. The Computation
  31. The Expiration
  32. The Prohibition
  33. The Bait
  34. Witchcraft by a Picture
  35. The Dissolution
  36. Community
  37. To the Countess of Bedford, on New Year’s Day
  38. The Message
  39. Elegy VI (Oh, let me not serve so, as those men serve)
  40. Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness
  41. The Legacy
  42. The Will
  43. The Annunciation and Passion
  44. La Corona
  45. Temple
  46. The Broken Heart
  47. Oh My Blacke Soule! Now Thou Art Summoned
  48. Love’s Usury
  49. Crucifying
  50. The Damp
  51. The Soule
  52. Break of Day
  53. Nativity
  54. Fall of a Wall
  55. The Indifferent
  56. Holy Sonnet 17. Since She Whom I Loved

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