John Bunyan (1628-1688)

The Rating of John Bunyan's Poems - Of Man by Nature
- The Pilgrim
- Upon Time and Eternity
- Upon the Vine Tree
- Upon Apparel
- Of the Cuckoo
- Meditations upon a Candle
- From Mount Ebal
- Meditation upon the Day before the Sun Rising
- A Boy and Watchmaker
- The Fowls Flying in the Air
- Of the Rose Bush
- The Operation of Faith
- To the Reader
- Meditations upon an Egg
- Author's Apology for His Book
- Upon a Looking Glass
- From Mount Gerizzim
- Of the Love of Christ
- Of Godly Fear
- Upon the Thief
- Of the Boy and the Butterfly
- Upon the Whipping of the Top
- How Graces Are to Be Obtained
- Upon the Swallow
- Of the Going down of the Sun
- Love Inducin Christian Conduct
- Upon Fire
- Upon the Pismire
- Upon a Snail
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