Thomas Aird (1802-1876)
The Rating of Thomas Aird's Poems - A Winter Day: Morning
- Morning
- An Evening Walk
- Night
- The Champion
- Evening
- The Swallow
- Fancy
- The River
- Grandmother
- Byron
- Genius
- The Holy Cottage
- The Young Physician
- Song the Third
- Monograph of a Friend
- Fall of Babylon
- Song of Time and Man
- Song the First
- Fitte the First
- Noon
- The Translation of Beauty
- Wash the Feet of Poor Old Age
- Song the Fifth
- The Devil's Dream on Mount Aksbeck
- Our Young Painter
- Song the Fourth
- Belshazzar's Feast
- My Mother's Grave
- Song the Second
- The Lyre
- Song the Seventh
- To the Memory of a City Pastor
- Song the Twelfth
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