Robert Bloomfield (1766-1823)

The Rating of Robert Bloomfield's Poems - Winter Song
- On Revisiting the Place of My Nativity
- Peace
- Hunting Song
- The Invitation
- Love of the Country
- To My Old Oak Table
- Dolly
- The Horkey
- A Word to Two Young Ladies
- Nancy
- The Woodland Hallo
- A Visit to Renelagh
- Lucy
- Rosy Hannah
- The Forester
- The Widow to Her Hour-Glass
- Barnham Water
- Abner and the Widow Jones
- A First View of the Sea
- The Soldier's Return to His Home
- Mary's Evening Sigh
- Alfred and Janet
- Good Tidings; Or News from the Farm
- Market-Night
- Lines Occasioned by a Visit to Whittlebury Forest, Northamptonshire, in August, 1800
- Rosamond's Song of Hope
- Shooter’s Hill
- The Milk Maid on the First of May
- To the British Channel
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