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Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1828-1882)
Dante Gabriel Rossetti

The Rating of Dante Gabriel Rossetti's Poems

  1. Autumn Song
  2. Sudden Light
  3. The Portrait
  4. The Blessed Damozel
  5. The House of Life. Sonnet 4. Lovesight
  6. Winter
  7. English May
  8. The House of Life. Sonnet 1. Love Enthroned
  9. The House of Life. Sonnet 6. The Kiss
  10. John Keats
  11. The House of Life. Sonnet 53. Without Her
  12. The Card-Dealer
  13. The House of Life. Sonnet 19. Silent Noon
  14. The Honeysuckle
  15. The White Ship
  16. The House of Life. Sonnet 22. Heart's Haven
  17. For Spring By Sandro Botticelli
  18. The House of Life. Sonnet 30. Last Fire
  19. The House of Life. Sonnet 12. The Lovers' Walk
  20. The House of Life. Sonnet 55. Stillborn Love
  21. The Choice
  22. Jenny
  23. Youth and Lordship
  24. The Mirror
  25. Insomnia
  26. The House of Life. Sonnet 77. Soul's Beauty
  27. Troy Town
  28. The House of Life. Sonnet 78. Body's Beauty
  29. Chimes
  30. Fiammetta
  31. A Bad Omen
  32. On the Road
  33. The Day-Dream
  34. The House of Life. Sonnet 60. Transfigured Life
  35. Adieu
  36. Love's Nocturne
  37. The House of Life. Sonnet 7. Supreme Surrender
  38. The House of Life. Sonnet 41. Through Death to Love
  39. My Sister's Sleep
  40. Michael Scott’s Wooing
  41. The House of Life. Sonnet 57. True Woman - 2. Her Love
  42. The House of Life. Sonnet 83. Barren Spring
  43. The House of Life. Sonnet 42. Hope Overtaken
  44. Beauty and the Bird
  45. The House of Life. Sonnet 34. The Dark Glass
  46. Cassandra
  47. Hidden Harmony
  48. The Song of the Bower
  49. Woodspurge
  50. The House of Life. Sonnet 16. A Day of Love
  51. The House of Life. Sonnet 2. Bridal Birth
  52. A Little While
  53. Smithereens
  54. The House of Life. Sonnet 24. Pride of Youth
  55. The House of Life. Sonnet 50. Willowwood - 2
  56. A Prayer
  57. A Death-Parting
  58. The House of Life. Sonnet 97. A Superscription
  59. Found
  60. Death of a Wombat
  61. The Wombat
  62. To Mary In Summer
  63. Dennis Shand
  64. William Blake
  65. Verses to John Tupper
  66. The Sea Limits
  67. Height in Depth
  68. The Turning-Point
  69. Possession
  70. The Sin Of Detection
  71. Thomas Chatterton
  72. The House of Life. Sonnet 29. The Moonstar
  73. The Burden of Nineveh
  74. During Music
  75. Czar Alexander The Second
  76. The House of Life. Sonnet 79. The Monochord
  77. On the Field of Waterloo
  78. On Leaving Bruges
  79. On Burns
  80. The House of Life. Sonnet 84. Farewell to the Glen
  81. Dawn on the Night-Journey
  82. The House of Life. Sonnet 91. Lost on Both Sides
  83. The House of Life. Sonnet 45. Secret Parting
  84. The House of Life. Sonnet 63. Inclusiveness
  85. The House of Life. Sonnet 47. Broken Music
  86. Blake
  87. An Old Song Ended
  88. The House of Life. Sonnet 10. The Portrait
  89. The House of Life. Sonnet 64. Ardor and Memory
  90. Afterwards
  91. The Woodspurge
  92. The House of Life. Sonnet 54. Love's Fatality
  93. The House of Life. Sonnet 33. Venus Victrix
  94. The House of Life. Sonnet 94. Michelangelo's Kiss
  95. God's Graal
  96. The House of Life. Sonnet 43. Love and Hope
  97. The House of Life. Sonnet 18. Genius in Beauty
  98. Penumbra
  99. First Love Remembered
  100. The House of Life. Sonnet 65. Known in Vain
  101. The House of Life. Sonnet 14. Youth's Spring-Tribute
  102. The House of Life. Sonnet 6a. Nuptial Sleep
  103. A New-Year’s Burden
  104. Three Shadows
  105. The House of Life. Sonnet 5. Heart's Hope
  106. The House of Life. Sonnet 88. Hero's Lamp
  107. The Orchard-Pit
  108. Returning To Brussels
  109. The House of Life. Sonnet 95. The Vase of Life
  110. The House of Life. Sonnet 44. Cloud and Wind
  111. The House of Life. Sonnet 86. Lost Days
  112. Maccracken
  113. The House of Life. Sonnet 69. Autumn Idleness
  114. The House of Life. Sonnet 71. The Choice - 1
  115. The House of Life. Sonnet 100. Newborn Death - 2
  116. The House of Life. Sonnet 21. Love-Sweetness
  117. The House of Life. Sonnet 38. The Morrow's Message
  118. The House of Life. Sonnet 67. The Landmark
  119. After the French Liberation of Italy
  120. The House of Life. Sonnet 25. Winged Hours
  121. The House of Life. Sonnet 76. Old and New Art - 3. The Husbandman
  122. The House of Life. Sonnet 9. Passion and Worship
  123. The House of Life. Sonnet 98. He and I
  124. On A Handful Of French Money
  125. The World’s Doing
  126. The House of Life. Sonnet 90. «Retro Me, Sathana!»
  127. The House of Life. Sonnet 8. Love's Lovers
  128. A Sea-Spell
  129. The House of Life. Sonnet 39. Sleepless Dreams
  130. The House of Life. Sonnet 82. Hoarded Joy
  131. A Foretaste
  132. Another Love
  133. The House of Life. Sonnet 101. The One Hope
  134. The House of Life. Sonnet 85. Vain Virtues
  135. The House of Life. Sonnet 46. Parted Love
  136. Ashore at Dover
  137. The House of Life. Sonnet 62. The Soul's Sphere
  138. The House of Life. Sonnet 75. Old and New Art - 2. Not as These
  139. The House of Life. Sonnet 36. Life-in-Love
  140. The Lady’s Lament
  141. The House of Life. Sonnet 31. Her Gifts
  142. Wellington's Funeral
  143. Sunset Wings
  144. The House of Life. Sonnet 15. The Birth-Bond
  145. The House of Life. Sonnet 26. Mid-Rapture
  146. The House of Life. Sonnet 59. Love's Last Gift
  147. Almost Over
  148. The House of Life. Sonnet 37. The Love-Moon
  149. The House of Life. Sonnet 80. From Dawn to Noon
  150. The House of Life. Sonnet 49. Willowwood - 1
  151. The House of Life. Sonnet 68. A Dark Day
  152. The House of Life. Sonnet 61. The Song-Throe
  153. World's Worth
  154. A Bitter Song to His Lady
  155. The House of Life. Sonnet 28. Soul-Light
  156. Sacrament Hymn
  157. Ave
  158. The House of Life. Sonnet 89. The Trees of the Garden
  159. The House of Life. Sonnet 87. Death's Songsters
  160. The Staff and Scrip
  161. The House of Life. Sonnet 13. Youth's Antiphony
  162. The House of Life. Sonnet 93. The Sun's Shame - 2
  163. The House of Life. Sonnet 17. Beauty's Pageant
  164. The House of Life. Sonnet 32. Equal Troth
  165. The House of Life. Sonnet 40. Severed Selves
  166. The House of Life. Sonnet 56. True Woman - 1. Herself
  167. The House of Life. Sonnet 66. The Heart of the Night
  168. The House of Life. Sonnet 51. Willowwood - 3
  169. The House of Life. Sonnet 99. Newborn Death - 1
  170. The House of Life. Sonnet 3. Love's Testament
  171. The House of Life. Sonnet 48. Death-in-Love
  172. The House of Life. Sonnet 96. Life the Beloved
  173. The House of Life. Sonnet 70. The Hill Summit
  174. On Certain Elizabethan Revivals
  175. Down Stream
  176. The House of Life. Sonnet 27. Heart's Compass
  177. The House of Life. Sonnet 11. The Love-Letter
  178. The House of Life. Sonnet 74. Old and New Art - 1. St. Luke the Painter
  179. Words on the Window-Pane
  180. The House of Life. Sonnet 72. The Choice - 2
  181. The House of Life. Sonnet 23. Love's Baubles
  182. The House of Life. Sonnet 58. True Woman - 3. Her Heaven
  183. Johannes Ronge
  184. The House of Life. Sonnet 35. The Lamp's Shrine
  185. At Issue
  186. The House of Life. Sonnet 92. The Sun's Shame - 1
  187. The House of Life. Sonnet 52. Willowwood - 4
  188. The House of Life. Sonnet 81. Memorial Thresholds
  189. Last Sonnets at Paris
  190. The House of Life. Sonnet 20. Gracious Moonlight
  191. To Thomas Woolner

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