Richard Chenevix Trench (1807-1886) Anglican archbishop and poet

Poems by Richard Chenevix Trench - A Legend of Alhambra
- England (Peace, Freedom, Happiness, have loved to wait)
- England (We look for, and have promise to behold)
- Gibraltar
- In the Isle of Mull
- Lines
- On Revisiting the Seine
- On the Results of the Last French Revolution
- Poland, 1831
- Sonnet (What good soever in thy heart or mind)
- Sonnet (You say we love not freedom, honoured friend)
- Sonnet to Silvio Pellico, on Reading the Account of His Imprisonment
- The Herring-Fishers of Lochfyne
- The Island of Madeira
- The Same
- To a Friend Entering the Ministry
- To England
- To Nicholas, Emperor of Russia
- To the Same (If sorrow came not near us, and the lore)
- To the Same (Look, dearest, what a glory from the sun)
- To the Same (O dowered with a searching glance to see)
- To the Same (Songs of deliverance compassed thee about)
- To the Same (We live not in our moments or our years)
- To ——
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