Henry Alford (1810-1871) English churchman, theologian, textual critic, scholar, poet, hymnodist, and writer

Poems by Henry Alford - 1846
- A Day Dream
- A Remembrance
- Ampton, Suffolk
- An Evening in Autumn, near Nether Stowey, Somerset
- August 19, 1830
- Culbone, or Kitnore, Somerset
- Descent of the Same
- Epimenides
- Glastonbury
- Haddon Hall, Derbyshire, July, 1836
- Homer
- “I Had the Sweetest Dream but Yesternight”
- Inscription for the Ruin of a Village Cross
- Linn-Cleeve
- Malvern Hills
- Mendip Hills over Wells
- On the Aged Oak at Oakley, Somerset
- Rydal Mount, June, 1838
- Sacred to the Memory of E. S.
- Sonnet Written at a Distance from Home
- Stratford-upon-Avon, January, 1837
- Summit of Skiddaw, July 7, 1838
- Sunset at Burton Pynsent, Somerset
- The Ballad of Glastonbury
- To the River Wye
- To the Stream in Worthy Dell, near Porlock
- Waters-Meet
- Winter
- Written at Ampton, Suffolk, January, 1838
- Written at Ampton, Suffolk
- Wymeswold, April, 1837
- You and I
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