Emily Jane Brontë (1818-1848) English novelist and poet

Poems by Emily Jane Brontë - A Day Dream
- A Little Budding Rose
- “A Little While, a Little While”
- “Ah! Why, Because the Dazzling Sun”
- Anticipation
- At Castle Wood
- “Come Hither, Child”
- “Come, Walk with Me”
- “Death, That Struck When I Was Most Confiding”
- Encouragement
- Faith and Despondency
- “Fall, Leaves, Fall”
- “High Waving Heather 'Neath Stormy Blasts Bending”
- Honour's Martyr
- Hope
- “How Clear She Shines!”
- “How Still, How Happy!”
- “I Am the only Being Whose Doom”
- “I See Around Me Tombstones Grey”
- “If Grief For Grief Can Touch Thee”
- Last Lines
- Love and Friendship
- “Mild the Mist upon the Hill”
- Moonlight, Summer Moonlight
- My Lady's Grave
- “No Coward Soul Is Mine”
- “Often Rebuked, Yet Always Back Returning”
- Past, Present, Future
- Plead for Me
- Remembrance
- Self-Interrogation
- “Shall Earth No More Inspire Thee”
- “She Dried Her Tears”
- Silent Is the House
- Spellbound
- Stanzas to -
- Stanzas
- Stars
- Sympathy
- “That Wind I Used to Hear It Swelling”
- The Blue Bell
- The Elder's Rebuke
- The Lady to Her Guitar
- “The Night Is Darkening around Me”
- The Old Stoic
- The Philosopher
- The Prisoner
- “The Sun Has Set”
- The Two Children
- The Visionary
- The Wanderer from the Fold
- “The Wind Was Rough Which Tore”
- To Imagination
- Warning and Reply
- “Well Hast Thou Spoke”
- “Yes, Holy Be Thy Resting Place”
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