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Poem by Thomas Hood

To a False Friend

Our hands have met, but not our hearts;
Our hands will never meet again.
Friends, if we have ever been,
Friends we cannot now remain:
I only know I loved you once,
I only know I loved in vain;
Our hands have met, but not our hearts;
Our hands will never meet again!
Then farewell to heart and hand!
I would our hands had never met:
Even the outward form of love
Must be resign'd with some regret.
Friends, we still might seem to be,
If I my wrong could e'er forget;
Our hands have join'd but not our hearts:
I would our hands had never met! 

Thomas Hood

Thomas Hood's other poems:
  1. The Departure of Summer
  2. Song (The stars are with the voyager)
  3. The Two Peacocks of Bedfont
  4. Ode on a Distant Prospect of Clapham Academy
  5. Sonnet (By ev'ry sweet tradition of true hearts)

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Louisa Costello To a False Friend ("Adieu!—'tis past—the dream is over")

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