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Poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

King Trisanku

Viswamitra the Magician,
  By his spells and incantations,
Up to Indra's realms elysian
  Raised Trisanku, king of nations. 

Indra and the gods offended
  Hurled him downward, and descending
In the air he hung suspended,
  With these equal powers contending. 

Thus by aspirations lifted,
  By misgivings downward driven,
Human hearts are tossed and drifted
  Midway between earth and heaven. 

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's other poems:
  1. A Wraith in the Mist
  2. The Baron of St. Castine
  3. Gaspar Becerra
  4. Einar Tamberskelver
  5. The Crew of the Long Serpent

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