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Poem by Thomas Chatterton

Picture of Autumn

When autumn, bleak and sun-burnt, do appear,
With his gold hand gilting the falling leaf,
Bringing up winter to fulfil the year,
Bearing upon his back the riped sheaf;
When all the hills with woody seed are white,
When levying fires, and lemes, do meet from far the sight:
When the fair apple, rudde as even sky,
Do bend the tree unto the fructile ground.
When juicy pears, and berries of black dye,
Do dance in air and call the eyne around;
Then, be the even foul, or even fair,
Methinks my hearte's joy is stained with some care. 

Thomas Chatterton

Poem Theme: Autumn

Thomas Chatterton's other poems:
  1. Chorus from Goddwyn
  2. The Copernican System
  3. An Excelente Balade of Charitie: As Wroten bie the Gode Pri
  4. Onn Oure Ladies Chyrche
  5. Epitaph on Robert Canynge

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