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Poem by Walter Raleigh


Rise, O my soul! with thy desires to heaven,
And with divinest contemplation use
Thy time, when time's eternity is given,
And let vain thoughts no more thy thoughts abuse;
But down in darkness let them lie;
So live thy better, let thy worse thoughts die.

And thou, my soul, inspired with holy flame,
View and review with most regardful eye
That holy cross whence thy salvation came,
On which thy Saviour and thy sin did die!
For in the sacred object is much pleasure,
And in that Saviour is my life treasure.

To Thee, O Jesu! I direct mine eyes,
To Thee my hands, to Thee my humble knees;
To Thee my heart shall offer sacrifice;
To Thee my thoughts, who thoughts only see;
To Thee myself, myself and all I give;
To Thee I die, to Thee I only live. 

Walter Raleigh

Walter Raleigh's other poems:
  1. Sestina Otiosa
  2. On Being Challenged to Write an Epigram in the Manner of Herrick
  3. Farewell to the Court
  4. If Cynthia Be a Queen
  5. His Pilgrimage

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Charles Kingsley Hymn ("Accept this building, gracious Lord")
  • Henry White Hymn ("Awake, sweet harp of Judah, wake")
  • Edgar Poe Hymn ("At morn—at noon—at twilight dim—")
  • Eugene Field Hymn ("O heart of mine! lift up thine eyes")
  • Henry Newbolt Hymn ("O Lord Almighty, Thou whose hands")

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