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Poem by Walter John De la Mare

The Universe

I heard a little child beneath the stars
    Talk as he ran along
To some sweet riddle in his mind that seemed
    A-tiptoe into song.

In his dark eyes lay a wild universe,—
    Wild forests, peaks, and crests;
Angels and fairies, giants, wolves and he
    Were that world's only guests.

Elsewhere was home and mother, his warm bed:—
    Now, only God alone
Could, armed with all His power and wisdom, make
    Earths richer than his own.

O Man!—thy dreams, thy passions, hopes, desires!—
    He in his pity keep
A homely bed where love may lull a child's
    Fond Universe asleep!

Walter John De la Mare

Walter John De la Mare's other poems:
  1. The Horseman
  2. Vain Finding
  3. Napoleon
  4. The Phantom
  5. Foreboding

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