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Poem by Charles George Douglas Roberts

The Sower

A brown sad-coloured hillside, where the soil,
Fresh from the frequent harrow, deep and fine,
Lies bare; no break in the remote sky-line,
Save where a flock of pigeons streams aloft,
Startled from feed in some low-lying croft,
Or far-off spires with yellow of sunset shine;
And here the Sower, unwittingly divine,
Exerts the silent forethought of his toil.

Alone he treads the glebe, his measured stride
Dumb in the yielding soil; and tho' small joy
Dwell in his heavy face, as spreads the blind
Pale grain from his dispensing palm aside,
This plodding churl grows great in his employ;—
Godlike, he makes provision for mankind.

Charles George Douglas Roberts

Charles George Douglas Roberts's other poems:
  1. The Iceberg
  2. Hilltop Song
  3. Canada
  4. Tantramar Revisited
  5. In an Old Barn

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • William Cowper The Sower ("Ye sons of earth prepare the plough")
  • Mathilde Blind The Sower ("The winds had hushed at last as by command")

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