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Poem by Albert Laighton

The Mystery

I saw a wonderful light —
Watching the midnight sky —
Leap suddenly into the voiceless dark,
And as suddenly die.

Was it a golden lance
Into the silence hurled
By the Spirit of Air? A new-born star,
Or the wreck of a world?

Albert Laighton

Albert Laighton's other poems:
  1. My Native River
  2. The Two Worlds
  3. Joe
  4. A Passing Thought
  5. To J. G. W.

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Gilbert Chesterton The Mystery ("If sunset clouds could grow on trees")
  • Paul Dunbar The Mystery ("I was not; now I am--a few days hence")
  • Edward Sill The Mystery ("I NEVER know why 't is I love thee so")

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