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Poem by Thomas Bailey Aldrich


Sick of myself and all that keeps the light
Of the wide heavens away from me and mine,
I climb this ledge, and by this wind-swept pine
Lingering, watch the coming of the night:
'Tis ever a new wonder to my sight.
Men look to God for some mysterious sign,
For other stars than such as nightly shine,
For some unwonted symbol of His might.
Wouldst see a miracle not less than those
The Master wrought of old in Galilee?
Come watch with me the azure turn to rose
In yonder West, the changing pageantry,
The fading alps and archipelagoes,
And spectral cities of the sunset-sea.

Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Thomas Bailey Aldrich's other poems:
  1. Corydon
  2. At Bay Ridge, Long Island
  3. Sestet
  4. England
  5. At the Funeral of a Minor Poet

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Robert Service Miracles ("Each time that I switch on the light")
  • Alice Cary Miracles ("An old man sits beside a wall")

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