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Poem by Lucy Larcom God's Best Gift WHAT is the best a friend can be To any soul, to you or me? Not only shelter, comfort, rest, Inmost refreshment unexpressed; Not only a beloved guide To thread life's labyrinth at our side, Or with love's torch lead on before; — Though these be much, there yet is more. The best friend is an atmosphere Warm with all inspirations dear, Wherein we breathe the large, free breath Of life that has no taint of death. Our friend is an unconscious part Of every true beat of our heart; A strength, a growth, whence we derive God's health, that keeps the world alive. The best friend is horizon, too, Lifting unseen things into view, And widening every petty claim Till lost in some sublimer aim; Blending all barriers in the great Infinities that round us wait. Friendship is an eternity Where soul with soul walks, heavenly free. Can friend lose friend? Believe it not! The tissue whereof life is wrought, Weaving the separate into one, Nor end hath, nor beginning; spun From subtle threads of destiny, Finer than thought of man can see. God takes not back his gifts divine; While thy soul lives, thy friend is thine. If but one friend has crossed thy way, Once only, in thy mortal day; If only once life's best surprise Has opened on thy human eyes, — Ingrate thou wert, indeed, if thou Didst not in that rare presence bow, And on earth's holy ground, unshod, Speak softlier the dear name of God. Lucy Larcom Lucy Larcom's other poems: Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/geocafeana/eng-poetry.ru/docs/english/Poem.php on line 211 ![]() 1300 Views |
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