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Poem by Mark Twain

Those Annual Bills

These annual bills! these annual bills!
How many a song their discord trills
Of "truck" consumed, enjoyed, forgot,
Since I was skinned by last year's lot!

Those joyous beans are passed away;
Those onions blithe, O where are they?
Once loved, lost, mourned—now vexing ILLS
Your shades troop back in annual bills!

And so 'twill be when I'm aground
These yearly duns will still go round,
While other bards, with frantic quills,
Shall damn and damn these annual bills!

Mark Twain

Mark Twain's other poems:
  1. Ode to Stephen Dowling Bots, Dec'd
  2. The Aged Pilot Man
  3. Genius
  4. A Sweltering Day in Australia
  5. To Jennie

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