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Poem by Charles Graham Halpine

Feminine Arithmetic


On me he shall ne’er put a ring,
  So, mamma, ’tis in vain to take trouble –
For I was but eighteen in spring,
  While his age exactly is double.


He’s but in his thirty-sixth year,
  Tall, handsome, good-natured and witty,
And should you refuse him, my dear,
  May you die an old maid without pity!


His figure, I grant you, will pass,
  And at present he’s young enough plenty;
But when I am sixty, alas!
  Will not he be a hundred and twenty?

Charles Graham Halpine

Charles Graham Halpine's other poems:
  1. Soon We'll Have the Union Back
  2. April 20, 1864
  3. The Song of the Soldiers
  4. The Same Canteen
  5. Lincoln

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