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Poem by Thomas MacDonagh


I love thee, April! for thou art the Spring
When Spring is Summer; and thy wayward showers,
Sudden and short, soothly do bring May flowers,
Thus making thee a harbinger, whose wing
Bright jewels, Nature's rarest choice, doth fling
O'er dewy-glistening brakes and banks and bowers,
To ravish loving eyes through longer hours
When Winter is a dead forgotten thing.

Such promise dost thou give of Summer bloom;--
But thine own sunshine hast thou, thine own light;
And fair are April flowers, April leaves--
Fairer to eyes aching from Winter's gloom
Than late-blown joys of May, that greet the sight
When drunk with gladness it from thee receives.

Thomas MacDonagh

Thomas MacDonagh's other poems:
  1. Of the Man of My First Play
  2. Dublin Tramcars
  3. In Dread
  4. Quando Ver Venit Meum?
  5. To James Clarence Mangan

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