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Poem by Norman Rowland Gale

On the Spot

    Nothing comes amiss,
      Kicker, Shooter, Yorker,
    How the Champion bangs
      Lob or cunning Corker!
    Let the watchers scold
      Johnny Briggs or Mold,
    Censure matters not--
      Grace is on the Spot!

    The Champion's on the Spot again
    To stop the Gloucester Rot again,
    And bowling goes to Pot again
      Before the King of Cricket!

    Hornby rubs his head,
      Fourer after Fourer!
    Now the pace is warm
      Even for the Scorer.
    This is simply joy--
      Lump it in, Old Boy!
    Don't she travel just?
      Grace is on the Bust!

    The Champion's on the Bust again,
    'Tis fine to see him Dust again;
    Don't talk to me of rust again,
      You grand old King of Cricket!

Norman Rowland Gale

Norman Rowland Gale's other poems:
  1. 'Duck'
  2. Two Critics
  3. Remember, Please!
  4. Star-Gazing
  5. The Hope of Surrey

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