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Poem by Henry Lawson Trooper Campbell One day old Trooper Campbell Rode out to Blackman’s Run, His cap-peak and his sabre Were glancing in the sun. ’Twas New Year’s Eve, and slowly Across the ridges low The sad Old Year was drifting To where the old years go. The trooper’s mind was reading The love-page of his life -- His love for Mary Wylie Ere she was Blackman’s wife; He sorrowed for the sorrows Of the heart a rival won, For he knew that there was trouble Out there on Blackman’s Run. The sapling shades had lengthened, The summer day was late, When Blackman met the trooper Beyond the homestead gate. And if the hand of trouble Can leave a lasting trace, The lines of care had come to stay On poor old Blackman’s face. `Not good day, Trooper Campbell, It’s a bad, bad day for me -- You are of all the men on earth The one I wished to see. The great black clouds of trouble Above our homestead hang; That wild and reckless boy of mine Has joined M’Durmer’s gang. `Oh! save him, save him, Campbell! I beg in friendship’s name! For if they take and hang him, The wife would die of shame. Could Mary or her sisters Hold up their heads again, And face a woman’s malice Or claim the love of men? `And if he does a murder ’Twere better we were dead. Don’t take him, Trooper Campbell, If a price be on his head; But shoot him! shoot him, Campbell, When you meet him face to face, And save him from the gallows, And us from that disgrace.’ `Now, Tom,’ cried Trooper Campbell, `You know your words are wild. Though he is wild and reckless, Yet still he is your child; So bear up in your trouble, And meet it like a man, And tell the wife and daughters I’ll save him if I can.’ . . . . . The sad Australian sunset Had faded from the west; But night brings darker shadows To hearts that cannot rest; And Blackman’s wife sat rocking And moaning in her chair. `I cannot bear disgrace,’ she moaned; `Disgrace I cannot bear. `In hardship and in trouble I struggled year by year To make my children better Than other children here. And if my son’s a felon How can I show my face? I cannot bear disgrace; my God, I cannot bear disgrace! `Ah, God in Heaven pardon! I’m selfish in my woe -- My boy is better-hearted Than many that I know. And I will face the world’s disgrace, And, till his mother’s dead, My foolish child shall find a place To lay his outlawed head.’ . . . . . With a sad heart Trooper Campbell Rode back from Blackman’s Run, Nor noticed aught about him Till thirteen miles were done; When, close beside a cutting, He heard the click of locks, And saw the rifle muzzles Were on him from the rocks. But suddenly a youth rode out, And, close by Campbell’s side: `Don’t fire! don’t fire, in heaven’s name! It’s Campbell, boys!’ he cried. Then one by one in silence The levelled rifles fell, For who’d shoot Trooper Campbell Of those who knew him well? Oh, bravely sat old Campbell, No sign of fear showed he. He slowly drew his carbine; It rested by his knee. The outlaws’ guns were lifted, But none the silence broke, Till steadfastly and firmly Old Trooper Campbell spoke. `That boy that you would ruin Goes home with me, my men; Or some of us shall never Ride through the Gap again. You know old Trooper Campbell, And have you ever heard That bluff or lead could turn him, That e’er he broke his word? `That reckless lad is playing A heartless villain’s part; He knows that he is breaking His poor old mother’s heart. He’ll bring a curse upon himself; But ’tis not that alone, He’ll bring dishonour to a name That I’D be proud to own. `I speak to you, M’Durmer, -- If your heart’s not hardened quite, And if you’d seen the trouble At Blackman’s home this night, You’d help me now, M’Durmer -- I speak as man to man -- I swore to save that foolish lad, And I’ll save him if I can.’ `Oh, take him!’ said M’Durmer, `He’s got a horse to ride.’ The youngster thought a moment, Then rode to Campbell’s side -- `Good-bye!’ the outlaws shouted, As up the range they sped. `A Merry New Year, Campbell,’ Was all M’Durmer said. . . . . . Then fast along the ridges Two bushmen rode a race, And the moonlight lent a glory To Trooper Campbell’s face. And ere the new year’s dawning They reached the home at last; And this is but a story Of trouble that is past! Henry Lawson Henry Lawson's other poems:
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