Poem by Thomas Urquhart
Epigrams. The Third Booke. № 27. We should not be sorry, to be destitute of any thing: so long as we have judgments to perswade vs, that we may minister to our selves, what we have not, by not longing for it
TO want, what J should have, shall never make
My heart lesse cheerfull; reason still requiring,
Page 51 That J be pleas'd, whats' ever things J lacke,
To furnish to my selfe, by not desiring;
For not to wish for things, against the griefe
Of feare, and frustrate hopes provides reliefe.
Thomas Urquhart
Thomas Urquhart's other poems:- Epigrams. The First Booke. № 30. That wise men, to speak properly, are the most powerfull men in the world
- Epigrams. The First Booke. № 17. The expression of a contented mind in povertie
- Epigrams. The Second Booke. № 25. That vertue is of greater worth, then knowledge. to a speculative Philosopher
- Epigrams. The Second Booke. № 43. That inconveniences ought to be regarded to before hand
- Epigrams. The First Booke. № 38. How Fortune oftentimes most praeposterously pond'ring the aections of men, with a great deale of injustice bestoweth her favours
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