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Poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Four Princesses at Wilna

   A photograph 

Sweet faces, that from pictured casements lean
  As from a castle window, looking down
  On some gay pageant passing through a town,
  Yourselves the fairest figures in the scene;
With what a gentle grace, with what serene
  Unconsciousness ye wear the triple crown
  Of youth and beauty and the fair renown
  Of a great name, that ne'er hath tarnished been!
From your soft eyes, so innocent and sweet,
  Four spirits, sweet and innocent as they,
  Gaze on the world below, the sky above;
Hark! there is some one singing in the street;
  "Faith, Hope, and Love! these three," he seems to say;
  "These three; and greatest of the three is Love."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's other poems:
  1. Bishop Sigurd at Salten-Fiord
  2. Eliot's Oak
  3. Gaspar Becerra
  4. Songo River
  5. In the Churchyard at Cambridge

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