Уильям Шенстон (William Shenstone) (1714-1763)
Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- Стихи, написанные на постоялом дворе в Хенли • Written at an Inn at Henley
- Элегия, в которой Автор жалуется на то, как быстро проходит жизнь и гаснет её чарующая новизна • Elegy 11. He Complains How Soon the Pleasing Novelty of Life Is Over
- To a Friend
- Jemmy Dawson
- Nancy of the Vale
- The Skylark
- Cupid and Plutus
- Elegy 13. To a Friend, on Some Slight Occasion Estranged from Him
- Flirt and Phil
- Elegy 10. To Fortune, Suggesting His Motive for Repining at Her Dispensations
- Epilogue - To the Tragedy of Cleone
- Extent of Cookery
- The Rose-Bud
- Elegy 16. He Suggests the Advantage of Birth to a Person of Merit
- Ode to Memory
- Colemira: A Culinary Eclogue
- Elegy 15. In Memory of a Private Family in Worcestershire
- The Schoolmistress
- Elegy 5. He Compares the Turbulence of Love with the Tranquillity of Friendship
- Valentine's Day
- The Landskip
- Elegy 1. He Arrives at His Retirement in the Country
- Elegy 9. He Describes His Disinterestedness to a Friend
- Elegy 8. He Describes His Early Love of Poetry, and Its Consequences
- A Simile
- Anacreontic
- The School-Mistress
- Song (On every tree, in every plain)
- Elegy 20. He Compares His Humble Fortune with the Distress of Others
- A Pastoral Ballad
- On Miss M--'s's Dancing
- Economy, A Rhapsody, Addressed to Young Poets
- An Irregular Ode, After Sickness
- Song (I told my nymph, I told her true)
- The Speeches of Sloth and Virtue
- To the Virtuosi
- Elegy 12. His Recantation
- The Price of an Equipage
- A Pastoral Ode. To the Hon. Sir Richard Lyttleton
- Elegy 2. On Posthumous Reputation - To a Friend
- Elegy 4. Ophilia's Urn. To Mr. Graves
- The Invidious
- Impromptu to Miss Utrecia Smith
- Daphne's Visit
- The Attribute of Venus
- Charms of Precedence
- The Judgement of Hercules
- Comparison
- Hint from Voiture
- Elegy 3. On the Untimely Death of a Certain Learned Acquainance
- Elegy 25. To Delia, with Some Flowers
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