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Alfred Austin (Альфред Остин)

Spiritual Love

Could you but give me all that I desire,
I should be richer, and you no more poor,
Companionship beside the household fire,
And common cares that train one to endure.
'Tis not your senses, but your self, I want,
Kinship of vision, sympathy of mind,
That so the bond be based on adamant,
And Love made fast by sanctities that bind.
Yet do not think insensible my gaze
To delicate loveliness of form and face,
But that I covet in the same embrace
The Spirit's yearnings with the body's grace.
Give me all these, and add, with lengthening years,
The sweet sad smile, and piety of tears. 

Alfred Austin's other poems:
  1. Invocation
  2. If They Dare!
  3. John Everett Millais
  4. Mafeking
  5. To Robert Louis Stevenson

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