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Thomas Carew (Томас Кэрью (Кэри))

Eternity of Love Protested

How ill doth he deserve a lover's name,
Whose pale weak flame
Cannot retain
His heat, in spite of absence or disdain;
But doth at once, like paper set on fire,
Burn and expire;
True love can never change his seat,
Nor did her ever love, that could retreat.

That noble flame which my breast keeps alive
Shall still survive
When my soul's fled;
Nor shall my love die when my body's dead,
That shall wait on me to the lower shade,
And never fade;
My very ashes in their urn
Shall, like a hallow'd lamp, forever burn. 

Thomas Carew's other poems:
  1. Epitaph for Maria Wentworth
  2. Murdering Beauty
  3. The Primrose
  4. Secrecy Protested
  5. Another

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