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Thomas Gent (Томас Гент)

Written on the Death of General Washington

Lamented Chief! at thy distinguish'd deeds
The world shall gaze with wonder and applause,
While, on fair History's page, the patriot reads
Thy matchless virtue in thy Country's cause.

Yes, it was thine, amid destructive war,
To shield it nobly from oppression's chain;
By justice arm'd, to brave each threat'ning jar,
Assert its freedom, and its rights maintain.

Much honour'd Statesman, Husband, Father, Friend,
A generous nation's grateful tears are thine;
E'en unborn ages shall thy worth commend,
And never-fading laurels deck thy shrine.

Illustrious Warrior! on the immortal base,
By Freedom rear'd, thy envied name shall stand;
And Fame, by Truth inspired, shall fondly trace
Thee, Pride and Guardian of thy Native Land! 

Thomas Gent's other poems:
  1. Sonnet On seeing a Young Lady I had previously known, confined in a Madhouse
  2. Written on Seeing the Children of the Naval Asylum
  3. The Sibyl
  4. Written to the Lady of Dr. George Birkbeck
  5. The Chain-Pier, Brighton

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