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John Clare (Джон Клэр)


The turkeys wade the close to catch the bees
In the old border full of maple trees
And often lay away and breed and come
And bring a brood of chelping chickens home.
The turkey gobbles loud and drops his rag
And struts and sprunts his tail and then lets drag
His wing on ground and makes a huzzing noise,
Nauntles at passer-bye and drives the boys
And bounces up and flies at passer-bye.
The old dog snaps and grins nor ventures nigh.
He gobbles loud and drives the boys from play;
They throw their sticks and kick and run away. 

John Clare's other poems:
  1. Address to Plenty
  2. Patty
  3. Summer Evening
  4. On an Infant’s Grave
  5. To an April Daisy

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Количество обращений к стихотворению: 1901

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