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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Walter John De la Mare (Уолтер Джон Де ла Мар)


No lovelier hills than thine have laid
  My tired thoughts to rest:
No peace of lovelier valleys made
  Like peace within my breast.

Thine are the woods whereto my soul,
  Out of the noontide beam,
Flees for a refuge green and cool
  And tranquil as a dream.

Thy breaking seas like trumpets peal;
  Thy clouds—how oft have I
Watched their bright towers of silence steal
  Into infinity!

My heart within me faults to roam
  In thought even far from thee:
Thine be the grave whereto I come,
  And thine my darkness be.

Walter John De la Mare's other poems:
  1. Napoleon
  2. Vain Finding
  3. The Universe
  4. The Birthnight: to F.
  5. Night

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • John Newman (Джон Ньюмен) England ("TYPE of the West, and glorying in the name")
  • Thomas Aldrich (Томас Олдрич) England ("While men pay reverence to mighty things")
  • Henry Newbolt (Генри Ньюболт) England ("Praise thou with praise unending")

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