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Walter John De la Mare (Уолтер Джон Де ла Мар)


She had amid her ringlets bound
Green leaves to rival their dark hue;
How could such locks with beauty bound
      Dry up their dew,
    Wither them through and through?

She had within her dark eyes lit
Sweet fires to burn all doubt away;
Yet did those fires, in darkness lit,
      Burn but a day,
    Not even till twilight stay.

She had within a dusk of words
A vow in simple splendour set;
How, in the memory of such words,
      Could she forget
    That vow—the soul of it?

Walter John De la Mare's other poems:
  1. Napoleon
  2. Vain Finding
  3. The Universe
  4. The Birthnight: to F.
  5. Foreboding

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